Record Breaking 1.9Gb/s internet speed achieved over 4G mobile connection

What!!!. Its not possible. How will I surf the net on my mobile device at 1.9Gbps. Please go back to the site and confirm. That will be the response of most of your friends when you tell them that Elisa(One of Finnish Internet service providers)  has claimed to achieved an Internet speed of 1.9Gb/s.
This speed, according to Elisa can download a Blu-ray film within 40-45 seconds. According to Elisa, it used technology provided by Chinese telecom's giant-Huawei to deliver a mobile network speed that that is approximately 2Gb/s. Before this record, the fastest mobile internet speed was 300Mb/s.

In February 2015, a university research team that is not connected to any network provider managed to achieve a 5G mobile speed of 1 terabit per second(1Tb/s). This speed is approximately 50 times faster than Elisa's 4G speed. 

Analyst Check

Read what some analysts said about Elisa's speed:
 "Deploying a network that can support 1.9Gb/s doesn't mean customers will get 1.9Gb/s mobile broadband"  said Nick Wood, assistant editor at Total Telecom.
He further told BBC "This is because that network capacity has to be shared among customers. In reality, customers are about to experience a modest improvement in the overall speed and reality, which is great but doesn't make for exiting headlines the same way the 1.9Gb/s does".
Another analyst, Ernest Doku, a telecoms expert at uSwitch said that "only 5Mb/s is required for streaming HD contents on Netflix- Elisa's top speed is 400 times faster than that".
"It will be a long time until our infrastructure here in the UK offers anything close. This isn't a stepping stone to 5G as much it's a proof that 4G is yet to achieve its full potential here in the UK "he said
Another Analyst Mr. Mattila added that "Elisa's new record shows that 4G networks can still evolve and deliver greater download speeds for mobile customers. I expect we will pilot 5G within the next year, but i dont expect the 5G deployment in the mass market until after 2020".



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